Calidoscopio is proud to have been the technical secretariat of the XXVII Congress of the Canarian Society of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (SOCARMEF) held in March 2033 in Fuerteventura. From the conception of the idea to the execution of the event, our team was responsible for ensuring the smooth running of the conference.

We worked hard on the logistical conception, supplier contracting, budget management and communication design of the event to ensure that it ran smoothly. In addition, our experience allowed us to advise the organizers on the implementation of innovative techniques and topics of interest to the attending rehabilitation physicians. We thank the society for allowing us to be part of this important medical event and contribute to the development of physical medicine and rehabilitation in the Canary Islands.
In addition, we at Calidoscopio are pleased to announce that we are working closely with the Canarian Society of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (SOCARMEF) to assist them in improving their communication. We hope that this alliance is the beginning of a new era of collaboration that will allow us to take SOCARMEF to a new level in terms of communication, both on its website and in all its other channels. Our goal is to improve cohesion among the members of the association and to advance the discipline of physical medicine and rehabilitation. We are excited to work with such an important and committed organization.